2. As Above, Not So Below
The prevailing Big Bang theory has time and space coming into existence right when the process of materialization took place. In this blog, the structural thought behind this Big Bang perspective is reviewed together with the proverb As above, so below in which a similar structural step is taken.
In the 20th century, scientists learned that all matter in our universe is moving outwardly away in a collective manner. Going back in time, like watching a movie being spooled backwards, the many parts of matter seem to have originated from a single event. Turning this event, however, into a single spot from which absolutely all arrived is one step beyond what the information substantiates.
No accurate details are available about the first moments other than what can be established based on the outcome. Note, for instance, that when going back in time, there are no details available establishing the birth of time, and when going back in space, no details are available establishing the birth of space. Rather, the only birthing that can get established based on the discovered information is that of matter.
In light of time and space, many scientists follow a path that has Unity at heart, but an important detail of time and space is then no longer visible. Consider the following: people can live in the past or plan for the future, yet these activities must occur by definition in the now. In another example, when scanning the universe, the light that left stars millions of years ago can get captured on earth. Yet the light can only be captured actively in the now. At this very moment, the entire universe exists in the now. It does not exist in any other time frame.
An important aspect of time is therefore separation, because without the condition of separation there would be no yesterday or tomorrow. Though there are no words to describe in a refined manner how this occurs, as long as we are alive we are functioning in this separating time frame called the now.
The separating condition of space may be more intuitive and easier to describe. For all of us, there is only the here. Separation is a fundamental aspect of space, because next to our here, there is also a there, where we are not.
This is of course a simplistic delivery. The intention is to quickly show that the condition of separation lies at the heart of both space and time. With matter moving collectively in a separating outward manner as well, there is simply no greater phenomenon in our universe than this separating condition.
It defies common sense to have matter originate from a unified reality that subsequently contains, after the Big Bang, separation as a new and universal condition. Either the condition of separation existed naturally prior to the process of materialization, or it occurred anew at the beginning of this process. One can conclude from this information that we exist in a Universe 2.0 version.
Instead of leaving the blanks empty, 20th century scientists filled in the blanks surrounding the material event called the Big Bang and came up with a unified explanation that is neat, clean and artificial. To understand the big picture, however, we have to acknowledge that the condition of separation is fundamental, and this includes accepting an essential, empty spot in the largest of frameworks.
A promise was made to deliver evidence that the framework of our universe is based on the 0 - 1 option. Perhaps the setup of 0 - 1 was obvious to many already. Calling out the binary system as the blueprint for all numeral systems is all it takes to make the point.
Only ones and zeros are needed to declare anything numerical that any other system, including the decimal system, can also declare. Bringing everything back to the simplest form of using numbers, only two symbols are required: one number for on and one number for off. Human beings invented other numeral systems but we could have stopped at the binary system, the simplest enumeration for the Structure of Everything.
Because zero is vitally important in the binary system, all other numeral systems need to include zero as well. For instance, the first set of ten numbers for the decimal system can only be 0 to 9 to also deliver what the binary system delivers. The binary system is unique, because there is only one active ingredient.
The binary system provides a clear view on the reason why multiple numeral systems can be in circulation. The number zero delivers a position that allows formation of other distinct and separate frameworks; it signifies therefore freedom. If humans had eight fingers instead of ten, the octal system would probably be in use today. Using an alternate system is made possible by the essential zero position.
A fascinating duality is expressed with the 0 - 1 basics. With that in mind, let's look at the decimal system once more. Displayed here are the two versions of the decimal system:
Both sets appear to correctly deliver the decimal contents. On the right side, however, with a proper use of zeros, we can see the more logical delivery for the sets of ten. To the right, each set of ten has the same first number in common, be it 0, 1, 2 or 3. To the left, the sets of ten do not all start with the same number. To the right, every number in the next set of ten would start with a 4.
We find a logical and complete display of the decimal numbers to the right, while an artificial display can be used as well, shown to the left. As mentioned, there are benefits associated with artificial uses that ignore the importance of zero.
The most powerful example of something artificial is money. Despite its importance to us, no dollar, euro, yuan, or yen is nutritious, squelches thirst, or creates a soft pillow to sleep on. Yet it is with money that we can afford these things. Note how there is a clear dislike across the globe about having none (0) of it in your wallet.
In many nations, people have united themselves behind the use of one common currency, and this monetary reality shows how a belief system exists that empowers the artificial entity. Some nations have a weak currency, even to the point that a stronger foreign currency is used for important transactions. Oil is traded on the global market in one currency only.
Currencies are in use because people believe in their values. Globally, the dollar is in use as the chief currency of the world, though its dominance is in no way secure. Bitcoins, for instance, may one day be the world's monetary ruler.
The importance of language, money, and even religion indicates how crucial the roles are that these entities play in our lives. They are absolutely real to us; we could not live a day without them.
Before we end this blog on the Structure of Everything, let's investigate the magical saying As above, so below to delve further into the distinction between the daily facts and the artificial overall framework. The following was copied from Wikipedia in 2017:
"That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing." Thus, whatever happens on any level of reality (physical, emotional, or mental) also happens on every other level.
Showing how this is a flawed maxim is fortunately easy to do.
Take the ability to make lists, for instance, grocery lists. Once a week we go major grocery shopping, and a list is used with everything needed on it. This is done on a weekly basis for an entire year, and there are therefore 52 lists in total.
Next, to show that the proverb is not without flaws, an overall list is added comprising all of these weekly grocery lists. Instead of groceries, this annual list contains just the names of the weekly grocery lists. The annual list exists therefore on top of the 52 weekly lists. To capture where things above are not like the things below, let's add an item to all 53 lists.
If we add an item to one of the 52 weekly lists, this would not change the annual list. If cheese was added one week, it would make that specific list one item longer, but not the annual list. There is no need to go to the store twice because of adding cheese to that list.
There is a second flaw, because adding an item to the annual list forces us to make an extra trip to the store, even when this concerns just one grocery item, say cheese. That what is above is therefore not what is below, list-wise. The actions of these lists do not behave identically; by understanding one, we cannot fully and automatically understand the other.
Something similar has been declared about the truth. There is no absolute truth available without declaring the framework in which that truth is pronounced. Blue describes something else, for instance, in a paint store than it does in the description of the mood someone is in. The framework nudges the word toward its correct meaning.
The United Nations are, in another example, not as united as the United States, and neither of them is as united as Manchester United. The framework will declare a more accurate meaning to united. This can be a framework of sometimes cooperative organizations, a framework of nations that tax folks in more ways than just financially, or a framework for sports clubs.
Let's finish this blog with a few examples about overall frameworks behaving differently from the actual items they represent: Though money is directly linked to actual goods, the world of money also contains a platform on which currencies compete; Words are linked directly to very specific entities and circumstances, but words can come and go, and new words may rule whereas old ones may slide into oblivion; The prevailing and popular Big Bang theory may one day become outdated. Next to the specific benefits of artificial systems, an additional mechanism of popularity should be recognized as a function as well.
The Structure of Everything need not explain everything in detail. It needs to deliver a clear framework that helps place all things in their correct places. Though known details cannot conflict with the overall framework, details need not undermine the framework with their specific information, just like adding cheese to a grocery list did not conflict with the overall list of lists. Important to reiterate is that the Structure of Everything contains broad concepts.
In this blog it was established that the Universe we live in is the result of a previous state - if we accept that separation is a universal condition. Evidence was provided that numeral systems always contain a zero, because the binary system is the blueprint for all numeral systems. An overall framework of broad concepts does not need to relate the same way as detailed items may relate. As Above, So Below is a saying; it is not inherently true. Like the prevailing Big Bang theory, the maxim takes one step too far, with artificially uniting all.
In the next blog the search is on for cyclops, and the pyramid is introduced as the visual display for the Structure of Everything.
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Delivery based on In Search of a Cyclops, published by Penta Publishing.
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